Long & Extensive experience in the live sound engineering.
Intention of passing on the Technical benefit of our vast knowledge. We incorporated the company to make the product more effective, user friendly in sense of operation and performance.
Siddharth More, Ideation of manufacturing of the loud speaker systems locally (maintaining international norms and quality) in order to give Quality ,round the clock support and 100% satisfaction to our valued clientele.
We have been designing the speakers and related audio peripherals as well as using them for Various high end concerts & Shows.
- Being based locally we can give our client the service promptly. Of course Product satisfaction and the full technical support after sales if our Forte.
- Staff training with precision to operate and handle the systems after installation.
- Our rental company rents out high end Sound Reinforcements .Having 1st hand knowledge of using it on daily basis at all different locations / venues adds to our experience.
- Being a Local trusted brand we are in a position to provide alternate solutions in case of any difficulties. In other Non – Local cases its almost impossible to replace or alternate immediately . which over a period of time becomes the most difficult situation to handle.
- One thing is commonly experienced quite frequently, by so many people who buy the foreign co. products marketed by the local dealers, till the time you buy the product they keep the proper follow up and when it comes to after sales service, either you are being ignored or you come to know that the dealership has been taken out from the dealer who was portraying himself as the owner of the company.